Monday 14 May 2012

Context of Practice // Publication ideas and development

For the design of the publication, I obviously want to incorporate elements of paper cutting to the design, this should be the main feature of the publication.  I also would quite like to design the publication, taking inspiration from at least one of the designers featured in the publication.

I really like the work of Bianca Chang (which you can see earlier in this blog), I like the accuracy and detail of her designs, even though she may not be classed as a graphic designer, I would like to use her layered style in my design

The above design represents a similar style to BIanca chang, it uses different cuts in each layer of paper to produce the final piece, however in Bianaca's designs she often uses over 50 sheets of paper in each f her designs, and in my case I don't think I will be able to produce that many pages.

Benja Harney is another designer that i could possibly take inspiration from, in some of his packaging designs I found that strips of paper, intertwined and fastened. I think this may be a good opportunity to use this style and change the publication totally, so instead of producing a bound book, I will create a folder which will contain the pages of the publication inside.
I want to show techniques I have learnt while researching this topic and I believe this may be a good opportunity to do that.

This is the first design for the folder that I produced at a smaller scale, it is designed so that the pages will sit in the center part of the net and the wings will fold around it, fastened by the straps on the end of each wing.
I would like the strips when fastened to weave together like a wicker basket and technically once closed and fastened correctly the fold should contain a weaved square which will ensure the folder stays closed.

The design I made, could have not worked as the shapes of the wings I have designed actually layer each other so the strips of paper can't physically meet. 
Therefore, if I decide to use this concept in my design I would have to reshape the wings so that when closed they all lay flat and do not overlap each other.

Also by producing a folder similar to this, it will allow me to produce most of the visuals just through paper cutting and pattern, I will be able to cut the title out of the front of the folder, to allow the reader to see into the publication before it is open.

My initially thought on the visuals at the front of the publication, will be the cut out title on the folder, with some form of paper cut design within, (on the pages holding the information) but that is still to be decided.

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