Thursday 29 November 2012

Context of Practice // Lecture notes - Celebrity Culture

Celebrity Culture

-Short history of the ideaa of the celebrity,
-development of digital media
-Why are celebs important? 
-How contermpary identity and celebrity have become intertwined.
-Contemporaneity icons as case studies.

Julia Margaret Cameron - celeb protraitist early 20th century

-photographs - poets, writers, actors of the day.
-cipia tonining, faded edges 
-soft focus highlight romanting themes that were fashion at the time.

- Mariana 'She said I am aweary, aweary"

=often a religious theme incorporated into her photos
-tradition of represesnting female celebs.

- English Poet Alfred Lord Tennyson. 
-Male celebs photographed in a very different way.
- the colours of photo were alot brighter and lighter, focused around gray.
- Female photos were takes more for aesthetics rather than pride and power.
-male photos looked more like what gods were perceived like.

Invention of the moving picture.

-Louis Aime Augustin Le Prince - born august 1841.

- Inventor of first moving film

-perfected the cinemograph.

The Artist 2011

- modern day silent movie.
- good portaitle of eary film era

Josephine Baker (1906 - 1975)

-Exotic dancer of the time.
- Danse Banane
- famous for her looks and dancing
-worked in ww2 as a spy 
-As she had a jewish husband
-helped people get visa and passport so they could escape from france in war
-totally different personality that people see and that they dont.


-Beyonce wearing dress modeled on Josephine Baker
-uses references of Josephine 

-could possibly be read as racism of the time.

Golden Age of Hollywood.

once getting to the 20's 30's and 40's started to see the popularity and development of film.

Clark Gable 

- Both famous hollywood actor as well as RAF officer in WW2
- Again shows the fact that he has a celeb life as well as a private life that are compared from his portraital on screen.

Bette Davis

-Known for playing un attractive unlikeable characters.
-'Mildred in of Human Bondage (1934)
-Married a man who claimed he had never heard of her

Marilyn Monroe

-Actress and singer
- acctress known for her beauty and looks
-Iconic sex symbol
-Have a sense of her private life coming through in her stage life, which ultimately ended her career and life.
- Recognised face throughout the world over decades, still even today.
- Andy Warhol - Pop Art
- The inhability to concieve a celebrity as anything else but a celebrity.
-Audredy Flack's 'Marilyn' (1977)

Symbolic meaning of painting
-again showing the 2 sides of celebrity with the mirror, highlighting the difference between there person and there celebrity.

Elvis Presley

-Warhol uses celebs as products of a consure culture.
- blurs vision to make sure the image is all we can see.
- The setting up of Elvis as 'The King' was eventually his own down fall.

Andy Warhol is the first person who thought to turn the lower class of society into stars, by photograph and filming them.

John F Kennedy

-Original fashion of politics
-he was young and had good looks
-beautiful and fashionable wife.

-again the fact that he was brought to the heights of fame was again his eventual downfall
-His death was filmed by a public by stander.

Advent of Television

-Kennedy was all over TV which obviously helped his celebrity status.
-the invention of TV removed the interest and popularity of cinema.
-Celebrities were starting to be witnessed in the home.

The Jacksons as a Brand

-Family that start a scripted comedy show on Tv in the 70's
-Michael emerges as the star of the show.
-became more and more populr.
-eventually the king of pop.

-The changes of Michaels appearence are interpredted as reaction to the abuse he and his family suffered at the hands of their farther.
-He looks less like his father by adjusting his own body as drastically as possible.


-Changes image with each album / track.
-80's was the development of celebrity and wealth
- Madonna makes herfelf iconic by taking inspiration from Marilyn and other female icons.
- Re invents herself.

Madona - post modern icon

Lady Gaga - post post modern icon

- madonna uses celeb icons from 1930's
- Gaga uses madonna image but changes her image everytime she is ever seen.
- more about the spectical of it rather than music.

Politics in Celeb

- Obama - seen as politics pop.
- Young good looking etc.
- Using pop culture to appeal to the masses

Youtube - Feb 2005

-showcases self made celebrities

Celebrities in the Royal Family   

Princess Diana - 1981

-Represents innocence and beauty as the truth of her marriage to Charles.
-Starts to re invent herself as she separates from Charles
-Becomes more of a fashion icon

The Paparazzi

- the idea of mass mourning for celebrities
- seen as celebrities are products of the people and actually belong to the masses.
- Princess Diana 
-Michael Jackson
-Whitney Houston

- sales increase on death of these celebs.

David Beckham

- Represents crossing of the ordinary (council estate) boy to almost super hero character.
- Cross worlds of sport , fasion.

Imitation of celebrity

ASOS - as seen on stars
-website focused around people wanting to look and dress like celebs.

John Stezaker from the Marriage

- uses old time celebs in photographs like a collage / cubist style.
-takes both a male and female celeb and collages there faces together.


- The modern way of contacting celebs
- Brings celebs into more of a normal status
- Details of private life.

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