Saturday 17 November 2012

Design for Web // 10 Websites I like / Dont like


Simple colour scheme and layout, no confusion about what to do or where to go. keeping the layout constant throughout the pages both works well and I guess makes design it much easier.

Joachim Vu 

Awesome looking website. I love the simplicity of the layout, the signature looks fanstastic as the main focus of the site, It brings both the digital and printed imagery together.


This style of website is in fashion at the minute, especially when looking at retail websites. i do like the use of photography as the background, It is an aesthetic I think works well on websites.

Henrici Cafe 

I think this site is a bit over complicated, but i think that is mostly down to the busy photo used for BG and the annoying scroll box in the middle, I originally thought this would be a cool aspect to a website, but now I think it just gets in the way, it annoys me a bit if i can't scroll the whole page.

Caravan Cafe / Restaurant  


I really like the navigation bar, and the fact that there are basically 2 websites put together, which shows both sides to the same company, it is a clever concept.

Grey House Coffee

A bit of a dull website, but I like the nav bar, i do agree it is a little confusing but the fact that certin elements of the website are highlighted when you move over a certain area means that you can always highlight the areas which are linked.

The Bunker 

Nice idea with the constant background and the moving slide show style nave bar at the bottom, i also like the fact they have linked the visuals to that of what you woul see in a coffee shop promotion / menu board.

The Worlds Worst Website 

I don't really need to explain myself about why this one is bad. use  as an example of everything done wrong on websites.

White Dog Press

Again this isn't a very attractive website, not only is it just poorly designed, it also has tacky random elements to it which I don't understand why they would have incorporated, such as the little clip art dog that just slowly moves up the middle of the screen. Random, pointless and ugly (especially for a print company).

Screen Printed Products 

Just a dull web site, nothing interesting about it, over use of colour, there is nothing wrong with the navigation and interaction with the website but it's just boring.

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