Monday 12 November 2012

Context of Practice // Panopticon and Panopticism

What is Panopticism?

Social Control - Productivity

Self Control/ Self regulation

Institutional Power
  • Hospitals
  • Schools
  • Army
  • Police
  • Prison
  • Churches
  • Government
  • Marriage
  • Big Businesses
  • Family 
  • Media
Bring in Institutional experts 

A code of behavior being written for each individual institution to allow control, power and observation over society.

The Panopticon - Jeremy Bentham -1791 - designed as a philosophical idea around behavior
  • A space of visibility
  • Power is unverifiable
  • Individuality
  • Isolation - causes a person to have nothing to compare their life / situation to, which makes the person believe that the life they are living is 'normal'
  • Psychological effect
  • Lateral invisibility/ Centralization - side to side nothing can be seen
  • Axial Visibility - everything can be seen from the center
  • Self-monitoring
  • Self-correcting
  • Light 
  • Surveillance (constant)
Panopticism - Modern disciplinary society based around the effects that the Panopticon would have on an individual - Docile Bodies

'Power is a relationship' - 

'Like they don't like the medicine but they know it's good for them.'

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