Monday 3 December 2012

Context of Practice // Lecture overviews

Popular Culture

What is popular culture? Class is key to understanding this.

Culture vs Popular culture

Arnold Leavism - Bourrgeous defence of culture against working class threat

Frankfurt School - Mass culture, culture industry, maintains social authority, social drug, depoliticises working class

Related to design   

Graphic designers are a product of popular culture

Fine art is very much on par with Arnold Leavism.

Cities and Film

The city in modernity (Chaplin 'Modern Times')

Dystopian / Utopian

'Flaneur' - W. Benjamin

The city as an aggressive inhuman mass of machines that do not allow happy and free lives.

The distinction in modernism and postmodernism within the city, different interpretation of the city.

Individual acts can redefine the city.

- Space of consumerism

- Space of performance 

- A designed space

Your work can be altered by the space that it is put in, as well as how your work will effect the space around it.

Subcultures and style.

Minority Vs. Majority

Minority were neglected by mainstream which gained a sense of identity.

Subcultural language of style.

Subculture is created when a minority is neglected by the mainstream.

Does this mean that Subculture is now redundant?

Begin a threat or a 'symbolic challenge' to some form of order. (football hooligans, goths, any one who come together as a group with one shared vision / message.)

Incorporation -  Ideological , commodity 
Dick Hebridge

Celebrity Culture

19th Century - Artists / poets as celebrities

20th Century - Warhol

21st Century - Anyone can be famous

Clark Gable Vs Lady Gaga

Celebrity as product of consumer culture.

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