1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
I think I have surprised myself in this module with what I have learnt this year, mainly through the research and writing of both the essay and the Publication we were required to produce, i knew I was interested in branding and logos and wanted to learn more about how designers can use visual tools such as colour and shape to subconsciously manipulate people, these are only subtle messages but they still have relevance.
I have definitely learnt a lot about branding and logo design during this module.
My essay writing skills are also improving as well this year, i decided to change my approach to writing the essay this year, as I picked a subject that wasn't one of the lecture subjects i was worried that I would find it more difficult to find the information to produce the content I needed however this was not the case and i thought this year my initial process would be reading as many books as possible which relate to the question ' What aspects create a successful logo?' and noted down interesting quotes that related to each other, i basically found the common grounds that most authors discuessed when talking about successful logo design.
This rsulted with me having a large range of quotes which linked to each other, this then helped me properly structure my essay so ensure i had relevant quotes matched with relevant quotes so in the end The quotes wrote most of the essay for me and the feedback I got back from Richard after the first draft gave me confidence about my essay writing ability, which I aim to improve even further for next year.
2. What approaches to/ methods of design production have developed and how have they informed your design development process?
When it comes to book design I think I am understanding more about keeping the layout and design consistent as well as producing a layout which I wasn't upset with, I was trying to experiment a little more this year with the layout of my publication, trying to do things that were a lite more daring that I usually would do, some people may say that they weren't necessary but it was a good opportunity for me to mess around with different visual ideas I have had when it comes to publication and grid layout.
I have again tried to utilize my new found knowledge of the laser cutter, I tried to experiment with different ways of using the cut designs, but this is on going throughout modules this year.
3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/ will you capitalise on these?
4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?
My organisation skills when it comes to the production stage, I never plan ahead and make sure I have print slots available when I need them which result in me panicking a little when it gets to the deadline as I either have to fit into drop in, get it printed somewhere else for a lot of money or put up with a poorer quality print. I need to schedule my time better so I know where I should be by what stage. If I organise where I should be in a project by what time that should allow me to prepare better with booking print slots.
Motivating myself to learn about more theories ind design, i do enjoy some theoretical knowledge when it comes to design but i find a lot of it quite dull to learn about, however having done this module i surprised myself with what I learnt and how it has helped my knowledge on the subject, therefore I have learnt that persevering with a duller topic can result in better overall knowledge of design.
5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
- Schedule my time at the beginning of a brief to ensure I stay on top of the design process and know where I should be withing the brief by what time, this will allow me to be prepared for print slots and other production stages instead of panicking and just trying to fit in at drop in a few days before deadline.
- Start the writing of the essay earlier, and make sure I have a confident structure and know what sources I will use before writing the essay. I expect this will give me more confidence with my essay writing as well as help me stay on top of what i am trying to express.
- Perhaps focus less on the written content of my pubication and try and link the theories I have learnt to design more, perhaps cut down on the amount of written content and increase visual design concepts that visually portrait the theories.
- Find a new way to make lecture notes, because at the minute I am finding it difficult with some lecturers to both understand what they are trying to teach us as well as confidently notate what they say in a comprehensive way.
- Spend more time proof reading individual sections of any written work or essay, so i make sure I don't repeat phrases or make any particular grammatical mistakes
6. how would you grade yourself on the following areas?
Attendance - 4
Punctuality - 4
Motivation -3
Commitment -3
Quantity of work produced -4
Quality of work produced -4
Contribution to the group -4