Thursday 14 March 2013

Good is - Real Ale Target audience research

Having talked to Lorraine about my current progress, I have been informed that again I need to specify my target audience further, I hadn't really thought of the beer details, whether it would be an Ale, Mead, Larger, and depending on which one I choose will depend on what audience and age group i will actually be designing for.

I have been reading through quite a few websites about the market and success of Real Ales, and I managed to find 2 separate annual reports for both cask Draught ale, which will be served in pubs and bottled ales, the audiences seem to be pretty similar.

The Cask ale annual report  - Source

- 7 - 8 Million Cask Drinkers
- 53% of adults have tried real ale
- 58% of casks drinkers first tried cask when they were aged between 18-24 - cask is increasingly appealing to a younger age group.
- Cask ales remains predominantly male and upmarket
- Recent gains of interest among younger drinkers and female drinkers have increased over the past couple of years but have levelled off now, they still remain steady.

I then then decided that perhaps I could find a bottled ale brewries annual reoport, which is when i stumbled across the

 Marston's Breweries report

The information below shows that bottled ales have quite an old target audience, which isn't that surprising to be honest, but as is proven in the cask annual report, there is becoming more interest in real ale by the younger drinkers of Britain. This means that at a stage that Real ale is getting more popular, there is a possible market place for a brand of real ale that appeals to a younger audience, which both gives me the challenge of designing the brand in such a way that it appeals to a younger audience and tempts them to try real ale, which is encouraged by the fact that Vikings are the back bone of the design, which link to being, a man.

This information also suggests that it would be a good idea to produce a product range that covers both bottled and draught beers, to be available to a larger target audience.

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