I have been given the task of finding what businessmen need or use while they are traveling, obviously our design can only be limited to what a passport shaped book can hold, there would be no chance of incorporating technology as that would be unrealistic due to cost.
I came across this article which suggests the top 5 gadgets a businessman would need on the go, these will all be technology based but i still thought it may be useful to understand what a general business man might need.
Click HERE is the website to see the article.
Such gadgets as projectors we can't take influence from but if you consider the receipt scanner then it is obvious a business man would need some way to keep track of his spending and keep receipts, so we could maybe incorporate some form of travel spending log and maybe a compartment to hold the receipts so they could store them all in a safe place and then could be handed back to the business on their return.
This could evolve into a book that would be sent to businesses who regularly have employees travel abroad, and could hold all different countries information, useful phrases, currency etc.
The lists of countries and their useful information could also include telephone numbers of business partners or emergency contacts so they could always keep it on them,
Below I have placed a link to an article on the ehow website about the 10 business man must haves.
The points i picked out from the 10 in the above link, that maybe we could try and incorporate into the design;
- Organiser- to keep track of schedule often useful to have a calender.
- Business cards, handy to travel with business cards to hand them out at an available opportunity
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