Definition of globalisation
multinational corporations have become the leading force, specifically western companies are now more powerful than countries.
we are in a globalized world where the western market has spread just about over all of the developed world.
The spreading of the free market.
a market dominated by the less.
a dominenemt western (american) culture which is starting to take ofver the world.
Communications has made us more globlized, with the development of being able to communicate quickly and easily.
Mcdonaldization - where the principles of american businesses of rigid hierachy wheere everyone is a part of a "machine"
Marshall Mcluhan - Media Philosifer
talking about the advent of radio and the invention of tv - new technological forms, extends our ability to communicate and see right round the globe. brings us together with the effects of telecomunication.
we start to live in a "global village"
This should make us more aware of each other globally. Mcluhan was both right and wrong by saying this because technology has enabled us to view the rest of the worl easily but then it also hasn't brought us together as he had planned.
Book Jihad VS McWorld
-Centripetal forces bringing the world together in uniform global society.
-centrifugal forces - tearing the world apart in tribal wars.
Organisations a plastered all around the world, and they have a system so they are not accountable to politics in the world.
imperialism, is the system where one country would try and create an empire by taking over another country and adding it to their empire.
Key thinkers - Schiller and Chomsky
cultural imperialism - forcing your culture on another, until eventually it is accepted as the norm.
The mass media is one of the main mechanism for tansfering cultural imperialism
People think the mass media is a giant free market, where companies compete , some are succesful and some arn't
but thats not true, all the media is controlled is controlled by 4 or 5 giant multinational corporations.
Time Warner - Multinational Corporation - Huge and own hundreds of smaller successful corporations.
Whatever media you are consuming, it is more than likely is actually owned and controlled by a huge organisation such as Time Warner.
New corporations divide the world into 'territories' of descending 'market importance'
1 - North America
2 - Western Europe. Japan and Australia
3 - Develo[ping economies and regional producers (india China, Brazil)
4-4 the rest of the world
No one has interests of spending as much money in 3rd world countries because they know there is no money in these countries, so they will not make a profit.
Schiller - 'New fors of cultural dependency'
American culture - you can be free by consuming / buying things.
the logic of global marketing - a product is created in the west, then repackaged slightly to suit other countries.
Chomsky and Herman (1998) - Manufacturing Consent
He says the news is an elaberate propaganda system to manipulate the masses
Propaganda Model - 5 basica filters
- Ownership
- Funding
- Sourcing
- Flak
- Anti Communist ideology
Rupert Merdoch - owns most of the media in the western world - manipulate the masses by telling pack of lies in the news which has been controlled by the leaders of these huge private businesses
Newspapers making adverts more important than the news. manipulate the information we get throughout the media to make you think about consuming.
Comprising fossil fuel and automobile companies such as Exxon, Texaco and Ford. The GCC was started up by Burson-Marsteller, one of the world's largest public relations companies, to rubbish the credibility of climate scientists and 'scare stories' about global warming.
Sourcing - journalists being limited to only ask questions that they are allowed to by the mass corporations, they do not end up asking the real questions but just publishing the news that they are told to.
Politicians using mass media to help their votes.
Al Gore - using the media of film to manipulate and scare everybody into realising that the world is on the edge of global catastrophe.
Trying to tell people that the problem of global warming will be solved by consuming more products, replacing their current belongings with new 'greener' products.
in reality, governments trying to make us make changes such as recycling, buy energy saving light bulbs / cars, will actually make no difference if these huge organisations are just pumping pollutants into the atmosphere, land and water.
Greenwashing - in attempts by companies to make their products appear more eco, just by putting green on their packaging.