Monday 22 October 2012

Lecture notes // psychoanalysis

Psychoanalysis - Simon Jones

- Psychoanalysis was developed as a therapy

- It is the development of the Psyche 
- Development and role of unconsciousness

- The understanding of human subjectivity
 - WE (humans) are the subjects for example (who we are and why, our personalities)
- It is the over arching theory of subjectivity

-Psychoanalysis was adopted by artists and designers 

-Basically psychoanalysis is means that we arn't always in control of what we do.

Sigmund Freud

- He conceived it in the late1880's

- It was used to treat hysteria patients
- Freud asked how mental issues can be effected literally
- He wrote the book 'Dreams' where he analysis his own and others dreams and their hidden associations.

- He observed infants and their habits in associations with their parents.

Dynamic Unconcious

- Its created as infants but not through their own conscious
- It effects us ALL in someway
- The unconscious is chaotic with no order or language
- It can make itself known in the form of ticks, slips or Freudian slips

Stages of Development

-Your unconscious doesn't control you.

-There are different stages
- Infantoral
- Anal
- Phallic

- Infants need to learn about themselves and where they stand in relation to others

- This causes misunderstanding

Psycho - sexual identity

-The assumed sexual identity either masculine or feminine - this is learnt in infancy which relates to their parents.

- This is linked to the Oedipus complex basically linked to seducing your mother and killing your father.

-This is said to be caused through child dependency.and linked to the castration complex
- Castration complex - Boys fear castration and think that girls have already been castrated.
- Because of this the boy urges to become the masculine roll so therefore hates his father and loves mother.
- Girls assume they have been castrated 
- and in turn develop the same feelings towards their father.

- This obviously caused disruption with Feminist arguments  
- This would explain why women have been treated more poorly than men historically.
- The penis is a symbol of power
- Penis Envy

The uncanny

- Focused on the visual relm
- Both unnatural yet comfortable
- It is the boundary between fantasy and reality
- Uncanny - Aesthetics
- Unconscious - Psychology

Freudian Models

ID - Ego - Super Ego

ID - is the the unorganized part of the personality structure that contains a human's basic, instinctual drives.

Ego - The ego comprises the organized part of the personality structure that includes defensive, perceptual, intellectual-cognitive, and executive functions.

Super Ego - is the conscience  the factor that helps us know how to work in a society for example politeness, customs, religion etc.

Models help apply psychic elements into visuals

Jacques Lacan

- 1960's - 70's

-Trained in philosophy
- His theories are more complex but allpw multiple interpretations
- He suggests life is subjective

-After Freuds death, his theories began to be confused so Lacan helped people return to Freuds way of thinkin.
 - He reconstructs Freuds ideas

Lancanian Unconscious

- The unconscious is structured LIKE a language but it has no language
- The connection between the conscious and unconscious is the same as the connection of sound and visuals.

Lancanian Phallus
- Penis Lack
- Male Potential to lack
- Female actual lack

- He said it gives us symbolic order
- Feminists effeminately did not agree
- Without language we are not human

The Mirror Stage

- A child recognises their own reflection
- Both literally and in their parents and siblings
- It signifies that the child is not the center of the universe
- This creates the ego of the child

Edward  Bernays

-'Godfather of PR'
- Freud's Nephew
- Bernays applied Freuds theories and his knowledge of psychoanalysis to advertise and make people desire objects.
- He was the first to use  manipulation techniques in advertising.

-Freuds family was very odd and non of them really liked people.
- He used the techniques and resulted in promoting a lifestyle rather than a product
- Advertisers before Bernays often just listed the functions of the products on their adverts instead of make the customer believe they are missing out by not using this product.

Torches of Freedom

- One of Bernays most impressive campaigns was the 'Torches of Freedom' slogan he came up with for a cigarette company.

- This was done to encourage more women to start smoking, and the message was meant to make women all over America think that by smoking these specific cigarettes will make them more powerful and independent.

Psychoanalysis in Art

Max Ernst -Surrealist

- Used collages to manipulate his work
- He used objects to inform his artwork

Victor Burgin

'The Bridge' - Symbolic Metaphor for the power of the phallus - sexual references

Louise Bourgeois

'Spiral Woman' - meant to link the relation between male and female.

The Orders of Reality

  • The Real 
          - Not symbolised / signified 
          - Most basic of animal instincts
  • The Imagination
         - Ego operates
         - The understanding of ourselves and others
  • The Symbolic
         -The order of the other

Psychoanalysis and art criticism

-Subjectivity - What it is to be human, motivation, desires
- To help understand why things are as they are.
- To understand Artists/ Designers motivation and intentions
- Models provide tools for category and understanding.


- Psychoanalysis provides a definition of the unconscious
- Subject-hood outside logic and rationality
- Motivation and meaning of art and design
- A tool to help us understand why. 

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