Friday, 21 October 2011

preverbaly yours// Message and interpretation research

I want to use some form of type associated with time, 

I want to try and make it as obvious that the type is associated with time as possible and these are generally the most used style of time reading.

Then taking the other side of medicine and healing, and trying to choose an image which is definitely recognisable as medical image or symbol.

Posters I like and find influential

 Even though these posters are not related to the topic of either medicine or time, I still find them quite influential, maybe it will not show on my final finished posters but I find, the simplicity of this Jimi Hendrix poster works fantastically well, with the space around it allowing you to focus on the main core of the poster, but without the space and the plainness of the white around it, the poster wouldn't have half as much impact.
  I think this is the kind of thing I will try to Incorporate into my posters, having a key focus point but allowing it to stand out by using space around it, this will cause a higher impact and i think encourage people to look at the design and really work it out.
 I think if any design is too busy it often confuses the on looker to an extent where they either stare at it for ages, working it out OR get bored of the confusion and leave without fully understanding the point of the poster. Obviously this is not the case in all situations but I think it will be important in this case to make simplicity and space the key factor of the design.
This poster is again simple and full of space but then incorporates a good use of colour into the image which contrasts the darkness of the poster and really gives it a 70's Disco feel,  
  This is another area i may take influence on for this brief, even though i am only aloud to use 2 colours, picking the write one will be important, so far though (not knowing where my design will end up) I am trying to find a colour as well as black that will create a feeling of health or the medical profession.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

proverbally yours// Poster research

I have actually found it very difficult to find any posters or designs related to medicine especially post 1940's , I suppose there is not really much need for advertisements anymore in the medical profession, where as before 1940 this is show most pharmacies worked, individual chemists were creating their own miracle cures for illnesses, which may or may not have worked, but because it was a private occupation then they needed the advertisements to sell their product, whereas now seeming we have the NHS and certified chemists and laws about what drugs you can sells to people there is not as much need for advertisements of medicines or the medical profession at all.
Obviously there is still advertisements for head ache tablets, and indigestion relief tablets but I am talking about the medical profession as a whole and there lack of need in promoting themselves.

These are a few interesting images and posters I found.

And then these are some advertisement posters for modern day medicines or un prescribed drugs or aliments

Non of these are really very exciting, but they are all advertisements rather than promotional or informational posters, but it is interesting to see.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Notes from Context of Practice lecture 2 "Postmodernism"

  • Very difficult to define - it is disputed whether it exists at all
  • Follows and responds with modernism however it is a lot less serious
  • It mixes serious with comedy
  • Born from optermism - WW2 new materials
  • One of the first post modern architects design Le Corbusier, Villa savoye

Modernism opposites of postmodernism
  • Experimental
  • Innovation
  • Originality
  • Individualism
  • Progression
  • Seriousness
  • Purity
Postmodernism Condition
  • Exhaustion
  • Pluralism
  • Pessimism
  • Disillusionment with idea of absolute knowledge
  • Postmodernism is reaction to modernism

  • Postmodernism - Jean Tinguely 'Homage to Newyork' a sculpture outside art museum that works eventually destroying itself
  • 1917 Pamwitz
  • 1904 Leslie
  • 1960s was the beginning of postmodernism
  • 1970s it was an established term (Jenks)
  • 1980s it was a regonisable style
  • 1990s it was dominent
Postmodernism use of word

  • After modernism
  • Following modern
  • Against modern
  • late age of capitalism
  • artistic and stylistic eclecticism
  • No individual cities - World village

  • 15th July 1972, 3:32 pm according to Charles Jencks this is when Postmodernism begins, as The Pruitt (american projects building) was demolished
  • building was initially designed for the american dream of modernism

Notes from Context of Practice lecture 1 "Modernism and Modernity"

Modernism and Modernity

  •  Modern culture 1800 scholars believe they were better than past
  • In 1800 William Hont was classed as modern
  • Modern art was said to improve art and progress
  • fasion could not exist without modernism 
  • We are now living beyond what is classed as modern
  • Moderniity existed between 1780 - 1960
  • Factories started working in shifts
  • Increaded populations in urban areas
  • Increased stress and speed
  • It seems the world has shrunk due to modern advances in transport and speed
  • Cinemas and Music halls designed to distract from modern life
  • as well as the invention of Electricity 
  • Modern + Urban inventions change relationship with com
  • Paris Started "House of Industry"
  • QPR London designed to impress
  • Every 10 years Paris which was height of modernism built a new House of Industry
  • Original home of Expositions
  • Buildings and monuments such as Eifel Tower were teh first building to use Modern materials and not designed to look like traditional materials

  • 1850 world time was agreed by the world due to trains
  • Fasion starts to be your identity
  • Centre of Paris (where poor people lived) was bulldozed and destroyed and they were moved to the outskirts of the city
  • Rich people replace poor in center of city 

  • Paintings before were mainly based on either Myths or Religion
  • when modernism started painters then began to paint their individual experiences of modern life
  • Society modernises Art, Not the other way around
  • Start of first Psychology due to worries of new technology turning people insane
  • All changes forced art to new and different ares

  • Degar Painting with woman sitting drowning her sorrows with Absynth as world is so miserable 
  • The development of Photography then gave art and artists new possibilities

  • in 1883 Kaiserpanorama was invented for people to sit around and view art, photography, landscapes and sometimes soft Pornography.
  • People would rather pay to view these images rather than experience it for themselves 
  • When Cinema first started it scared people to the stage of running screaming out the cinema thinking trains would run them over, like witch craft 

  • Artists had to think of new interesting ways to compete with photography
  • With Photography the world can now be seen in unique and different ways such as birdseye view
Modernism in Design 
  • Anti historian-ism, never look backwards
  • Truth to materials - let materials speak for themselves
  • Form follows function - Bauhaus being innovators of this therory
  • New technologies
  • Internationalism
  • Adolf Loos 1908 "Orniment is Crime", Dont decorate buildings as it will outdate, keep it neutral and the design will last forever  
  • A language of design that could be understood by any country e.g Harry Bex- Underground map
  • Herbert Bayers- sans serif Typeface - Modernist
  • 1932 Stanley Morrison - Times Roman
  • Nazis despised modernism so Fraktor font was often used
  • MODERN- Not neutral always aiming to improve visually 
  • MODERNITY- 1750 - 1960 social cultural experience
  • MODERNISM- Ideas evolved from Modern culture

Alphabet Soup/ Typeface Research

One of the words i am thinking of using was "cramped" when I was looking on a type blog I came across this and I quite like the long thin letters.


My aim is to use perspective in my typeface to indicate growth, this video doesn't really help with my design but its interesting to watch.


The art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point

Perspective from Basic to Creative by Robert W. Gill


Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Analysis and comparison of Image 1) “The Uncle Sam Range” (1876) by Schumacher & Ettlinger, New York and Image 2) WWI Recruitment Poster by Savile Lumley (1915) England.

The first image is an advert selling “The Uncle Sam Range” stove and oven, the advertising methods used are a more extreme but similar style to how products are advertised in the present day, based on selling a lifestyle rather than an appliance. Whereas the WWI Recruitment Poster has a much more personal approach, it is focusing on individuals and playing with individuals pride and honor to recruit forces for WWI, however this image is still majorly patriotic but in a more subtle way.
    The first thing that hits you in image 1) is the patriotism and bold red, white and blue colours all over the entire image, the designers certainly wanted the american identity to flood the image ideally to encourage patriotic emotions from the viewer. Image 2) still plays with patriotism but instead of plastering it all over the poster it used the english rose as a pattern on the curtains as well as the design on the upholstery of the chair.    
    At the time America was a very young country, only 100 years of independence but still takes the american view of cultural superiority and uses it as an advertising weapon. The design seems to make the american bald eagle, Uncle sam, the wife and the three children, who each have the areas of america written on their clothing (Dixie, West and New England) all literally and figuratively look down on the world, this was a time where slavery and racism were extremely common and in most cases in higher middle class and upper class it was necessary to have these ignorant views.
   The world sits their with it’s comical cartoon face (which has been placed on the continent of Africa) with his list of countries and the (stereotyped) foods they eat, being ridiculed by the american family, this again supports the idea of Americas cultural superiority over the rest of the world. The countries mainly focused on the list are the countries that had the most people immigrate to America at this time.
   Uncle Sam has purposely been place in the centre of the image instead of the stove they are actually advertising, to again sell the lifestyle, this design would be focused at men and having Uncle Sam sitting with his new stove surrounded by his family being cooked for by his wife and slave in his upper class house would appeal to the middle class who aspire to have the same lifestyle.
The design finished by the big gold typical American Western typeface to signify power and wealth. Whereas because Image 2) has taken a much more personal approach it uses an italic hand drawn type, as you would find on a post card to make the design specific to each reader.
   Image 2) is set in the future after 1915, asking the question “what did YOU do in the Great War?” as if the father is either staring with regret for not doing anything or maybe reminiscing about what happened. The aim is to take the pride of the viewer and guilt them into enrolling to serve their country, as well as selling the lifestyle again just like image 1. It suggests that once you return you will be happy with your family as your son sits playing with his soldiers looking up to you as a hero, as well as suggesting you will be payed well and be able to afford to look after your family, as well as being able to afford luxuries.